Results for Sandy River (Axton)

Click here for PICS from the event.

Written by Rusty Lacy


36 riders rode the event at the Lacy horse farm on Sunday.

Conditions were dry with perfect traction and low water in the creeks.

Although a little warm, the woods were shady and comfortable.

Sections included one gully with some steep ups and downs, a creek side sandy/gravelly beach area with a few logs thrown in for good measure, 3 rock sections that kept all classes very busy, a new section with an elevated downhill log crossing for the 2 upper classes followed by turn around a tree with very nice roots and then a giant rock face, all with much turning and looping. There were also 2 sections in and around Watson’s creek, named after former CVOTC rider, Bob Watson, who was seen laying in the creek to cool off on a hot event day.

Section 6, with the rock face, intimidated those who had to negotiate it, but most riders ended up making it look easy.

A few holes were found by mostly the upper clas riders. The trialsmasters insisted that they were merely intentional optional lines.

Section 5 received the most criticism, and probably well deserved, for being too busy. The next time we run it it will be better….maybe.

A lot of spectators enjoyed walking the loop and watching their favorite rider attempt to clean each section.

Our most favorite member, Maddie Hoover, was absent for this one….we missed her.

Thanks to Jim McKenzie of Competition Wheels in Concord, NC for coming up with bikes to demo and tires and parts for sale.



1. Matt Simpson 1 point


1. Bryce Lunsford 13

2. Robin Burst 18

3. Brian Merritt 23

4. Danny Ocheltree 25

5. Ash Harrison 37

6. Kevin Hobbs 44

7. Tom Tschantz 45

8. Kim Brown 56

Mark Mark Kandy Redbond DNF

Vintage Intermediate

1. Jim Ellis 14

2. Michael Friesen 22

3. Christian Alva 24

4. Thad Laughlin 49


1. Josh Hendricks 15

2. Evan Gorczynski 17

3. Gary Heyer 25

4. Paul Fuelling 33

5. Nathan Dunk 71

John Hendricks Sr DNF

Vintage Sportsman

1. Alan Hensley 56


1. Martin Sturla 36

2. Kevin Bobal 55

3. Ed Romney 57

Joe Palrang DNF


1. David Webster 27

2. Jeff Hensley 70


Kenny Gwyn

Berndie Lunsford

Leslie Matheson

Mike Mazak

Randy Herndon

Ellis Daw

Mark Simpson

Rick Schill

Greg Hales

And special thanks to Joe Palrang for making the outstanding trophies as pictured in this write up. An upside down horshoe is supposed to be bad luck….hence the name…Hard Luck Trials.


Results for Madison Heights


Three Stooges Trialsmasters Debut Results