Timeless Photos They’re so good they are photographs not pics! Some old, some not so old, all to be enjoyed. The Hoovers Maddie and Garry Hoover Greg Hales' cool collection of TYs Our Maddie Hoover (2nd from rt.) St. Julia, Andorra 2014 Maddie Hoover Mick Andrews 1999 Rusty Lacy, Berndie Lunsford, Pate Keen and Garry Hoover Only from the hands of David Lawson Mick Andrews and Rick Schill Ray Peters teaching at Kenny Gwyn's Sammy MIller Rick Schill - District 6 circa 1971 Leslie Matheson and Jon Quell with FIM Trial World Champion Bernie Schreiber Greg Hales with 2013 World Round winner Adam Raga Leslie Matheson with Debbie Evans - Champion Observed Trials rider of international repute (unofficial World Champion!!) and pre-eminent Hollywood Stunt Performer - working on over 200 movies and TV shows during her long career... Randy Herndon, Croom, FL circa 1980 Randy Herndon, Wagner Cup, Watkins Glen, NY 1981 World Round and National Event Jerry Young and Rick Schill, circa 1971 Jon Quell with Mark Eggar - click the pic for info on Mark Berndie Lunsford, Hagerstown, MD. 1983 CVOTC Year-end Results from 2000 From the closet of Phil Simpson, Lawrenceville Landowner. Artwork by Dewey Keeton. From the closet of Phil Simpson, Lawrenceville Landowner. Artwork by Dewey Keeton. From the closet of Phil Simpson, Lawrenceville Landowner. Artwork by Dewey Keeton. From the closet of Phil Simpson, Lawrenceville Landowner. Artwork by Dewey Keeton. From the closet of Phil Simpson, Lawrenceville Landowner. Artwork by ? From the closet of Phil Simpson, Lawrenceville Landowner. Artwork by Dewey Keeton.